On October 31st, subscribers will receive a free PDF copy of the latest issue featuring Simon Armitage, Colm Toíbín, María Dueñas, Joanne Harris, Margaret Jull Costa, Matthew Stewart, Mark Fiddes, José González Vargas, Chidima Anekwe and many more. Plus all the latest book previews and a special travel piece from award-winning writer Emma Willsteed.
The Madrid Review Issue 1 was published on May 31st, 2024.
Non-subscribers may write to themadridreview@hotmail.com for a print-ready PDF.
Issue 2 will be available for subscribers on October 31st, 2024.
Print copies of The Madrid Review will be available to buy from Ybernia Publishing from August 1st, 2024.
It is also available to buy from The Secret Kingdoms bookshop in Madrid.
By subscribing you will recieve the new issues first.
We're a small team of volunteers who love books and art. We have no axe to grind or politics to hit you with. We're idealists in love with imagination. If you want to send us something - an article, a poem, a short story, whatever you want - get in touch. You can listen to an interview with James Hartley, the editor, talking about who we are and what we do, here.
Madrid, Spain